ST/ART Group – Loving Photography

Today we’re taking the opportunity to have another look at the amazing photography work that has been created by the ST/ART group, as part of our ‘Reconnect’ project. We previously profiled the group in an earlier post and are delighted to re-visit their work and share some more of their photographs with you.

The ST/ART group have been focusing on creating their own body of photographic work, inspired by the work and photographic essays of Dundee-based photographer and tutor Joseph McKenzie and our temporary exhibition ‘A Love Letter to Dundee: Joseph Mckenzie Photographs 1964 – 1987’.

Supported by the Creative Learning Team, Chris Kelly from THAT and freelance artist David Scott, the group meet weekly through Zoom for their ‘Reconnect’ sessions. They have now completed their art works and have been able to capture their images using cameras or mobile phones, either from home or when out for daily exercise, in keeping with current COVID-19 restrictions. Here is a small selection of images by each artist that we are delighted to be able to share in the blog.

Participant Feedback

I enjoyed absolutely everything, taking pictures, getting outside, learning new skills, was buzzing with ideas, images, took thousands of pics lol. Who knew I could do this, I’ve shocked myself, always loved photography but never knew I could be this good.

Being part of the programme has given me a push to leave the house and interact with the world and begin to see the beauty of life again.  The sense of accomplishment each week, completing a series of photos had a huge benefit to my wellbeing and seeing & hearing others enjoyment in my photos definitely was a boost to my self-esteem.

This was an exceptionally well organised and run programme. A good mixture of learning and showcasing our own work. Given the pandemic restrictions, I cannot think of how this could have been done differently.

Creative Learning Team Feedback

At this point in time, it’s so important for cultural venues and teams to reach out and provide high-quality creative engagement with groups. Working with the ST/ART group through the ‘Reconnect’ project has been an absolute joy. 

Week by week, the creative tasks led by David Scott helped encourage everyone to be more creative, enjoy being outdoors, and share their new-found skills and work with each other. We watched each of the group blossom in confidence, develop new photographic skills and create strong, thought-provoking body of images inspired by both the museums exhibition ‘A Love Letter to Dundee’ and in response to the world around them. 

We will shortly be launching our online, digital gallery where you can see all 60 photographs that have been created by the group, currently hosted here

Stay tuned on our social media channels to get the link for the gallery once it goes live and for further news about ‘Reconnect’!

The project has been made possible thanks to Art Fund support and additional funding from Tayside Healthcare Arts Trust.

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